Labrador French Linen Bite Builder Sleeve for Puppies and Young Dogs
Have you decided to train your young Labrador? Need special item for proper bite training? Than buy this French Linen Bite Developer to make your trainings safe and comfortable both for you and or for your dog! French linen is soft and durable material perfect for training equipment producing. It is soft for your little pet's teeth. It will be easy to traing your active Labrador with this bite training tool!
AdvancedLabrador puppy bite builder of French Linen
Labrador bite builder with soft bite surface for puppies
Key features of this Labrador Bite Builder: - 100% dog safe materials
- Strong material
- Easy bite grip angle for puppy
- 2 inside hard handles
| Intended use of this Labrador Bite Builder: - Advanced puppy bite training
- Stronger grip building
- Better position grip building
- Building full bite grip
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Begin your training with revolutionary Strong Dog Bite Builder with Solid Handles inside!
Very convenient for the handler, friendly for dogs, easy bite grip angle - all this will guarantee the best results in dog training.
This new French Linen Dog Bite Builder is one of the best supplies to start young dogs bite training work. Due to ergonomic design and durable safe materials this bite builder will serve you for a long time.
Padded hard inside handles will help the handler to hold the article safely using one or two hands. This special shortened bite builder was designed for frontal protection. This allows the helper to move his hand rather freely thus providing some space for maneuvering.
If you want to develop your Labrador's prey drive then this bite developer is really what you need. With its help you will got a possibility to teach your dog some basic commands, develop protection instinct, to control the strength of your dog's bite grip.